We are delighted to have obtained planning approval for the restoration and preservation of this beautiful cottage within the setting of the South Downs National Park.

November 2024

We are delighted to have recently received Outline Planning Approval at planning committee for 10 new dwellings on land in East Sussex. This will include four much-needed affordable homes, along with dedicated open parkland as recreation space. The planning application, which took 11 months to determine, was submitted following nearly two years of preparation. The site presented numerous technical challenges, including its topography, its vehicular access, and the passing of a high-pressure gas main across the site. Furthermore, records show that a Roman Road once passed through the site, requiring archaeological input, and the presence of the adjacent main ‘A’ road required acoustic surveys to be conducted to confirm that noise will not pose an issue to future residents.

 The site also raised a number of challenges from an Ecological perspective, with initial surveys identifying the need for a full calendar year of bat surveys (one per month), along with the provision of enhancements to the landscape to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain of over 14%. The site is located in a Red Zone for Greater Crested Newts, requiring yet further liaison and survey input, allowing the site to join the District Licencing Scheme.

While only an Outline application, the foul and surface water drainage has been fully designed and signed off by the relevant authorities, a process that required discussions with numerous stakeholders. This ultimately proved invaluable as it became the most debated issue at the Planning Committee meeting.

October 2024